"Minty" is one of our foundation does. We love her spunky personality, the levelness of her topline, strength of her rear legs with the width between her hocks, the height and width of her rear udder, strength of her medial suspensory ligaments, extension of her fore udder, and overall udder capacity. We are looking forward to seeing how her offspring develop.
We first took Minty to the CNYDGS/NYSDGBA Annual Show June 3, 2017. She won Best of Breed in all 3 rings, starting and finishing her permanent championship at one show. She completely amazed us. In 2018, we did bring her to the NYS Fair, where she won Sr. Grand Champion. She continues to have great general appearance and we love her mammary system. She is weaker in the pasterns due to an injury last year and founder following pregnancy ketosis. We feel she has earned her retirement and will only be bringing her out for a few shows in the future.
We first took Minty to the CNYDGS/NYSDGBA Annual Show June 3, 2017. She won Best of Breed in all 3 rings, starting and finishing her permanent championship at one show. She completely amazed us. In 2018, we did bring her to the NYS Fair, where she won Sr. Grand Champion. She continues to have great general appearance and we love her mammary system. She is weaker in the pasterns due to an injury last year and founder following pregnancy ketosis. We feel she has earned her retirement and will only be bringing her out for a few shows in the future.
2016: The Scarpa Ledge Dozer, one of 2 bucklings
2017: Half Barn Farm RB Peppermint
Half Barn Farm RB Ninamint
2018: Half Barn Farm RB Katmint
Half Barn Farm RB Kalamint
2016: The Scarpa Ledge Dozer, one of 2 bucklings
2017: Half Barn Farm RB Peppermint
Half Barn Farm RB Ninamint
2018: Half Barn Farm RB Katmint
Half Barn Farm RB Kalamint